Precious Life condemn the IFPA for putting a price tag on human life and exploiting NI women for their own profit

Northern Ireland’s leading pro-life group Precious Life has condemned the Irish Family Planning Association for their announcement that abortions will be provided to women from Northern Ireland at a cost of €450. Precious Life have said this announcement is a shocking and outrageous attack on Northern Ireland’s women, unborn babies and our unwavering cultural respect for every life.


Director of Precious Life, Bernadette Smyth, said, "This is a prime example of the lucrative abortion industry exploiting women for profit. The IFPA, following the launch of abortion services on New Year's Day, is opportunistically selling the slaughter of Northern Ireland's unborn babies for €450 for every baby killed. Precious Life affirm that no amount of money is worth a human life."

Despite the false promises, made by Irish politicians and medical professionals, that abortion would be solely a GP-led service, the abortion industry has pushed its way into the country. Pro-abortion organisations, like FPA, will now kill Irish, and Northern Irish, babies for their money-making profit. Women and their babies will be led, like cattle to the slaughter, in a conveyor belt service of killing children. 


Bernadette Smyth commented that, “Abortion is not healthcare. Abortion kills babies and hurts women. All genuine medical treatment is already provided for pregnant women and their babies in Northern Ireland."

Bernadette Smyth concluded, “The IFPA have absolutely no right to exploit NI women for their own profit. They are putting a €450 price tag on every baby they dismember, poison and kill. In Northern Ireland, we protect mothers and their unborn babies. Women in Northern Ireland deserve better than abortion and no baby deserves to be brutally killed for any amount of money." 

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