Nurse: “Well, put it in a basin, and wait!”

  • Nurse: “Well, put it in a basin, and wait!”

"When a child is born prematurely, everything is done to save him. If this is not possible, he receives comforting care and is supported until his death. Neonatal palliative care is well developed in many hospitals. The situation is different for those children who are born alive after an abortion. Children are often born alive due to a failed abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy in Europe every year. They are abandoned to die without care, struggling to breathe, sometimes for several hours, or they are killed by lethal injection or suffocation, and often thrown away with medical waste." - Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide in Europe

The European Centre for Law and Justice, an international Non-Governmental Organisation dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights in Europe and worldwide, submitted a petition in June 2015 to the Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe, for the rights of newborns surviving an abortion.

This is what the petition asked the Assembly:

"1. To investigate and report on the situation of children born alive during their abortion.

"2. To reaffirm that all human beings born alive have the same right to life and must benefit from appropriate and necessary health care, according to human rights.

"3. To recommend to Member States to take into account the threshold of viability of human fetuses in their legislation on termination of pregnancy."

The petition included a report containing official data and testimonies of medical practitioners who witnessed these practices. 

One midwife gave her testimony about a horror she witnessed when she was just in nursing school:

"I was with a classmate I did not know because he was not from my school. He seemed older than me. Delicately we opened the sheet, removed all the compresses and discovered a lot of clotted blood: we discovered within the blood, a mass, that was a fetus, and he was still breathing. We were shocked.

"Another nurse arrived at that moment and we told her that the fetus was breathing. As a response she said: 'Well, put it in a basin, and wait!' It all felt so frigid! The nursing student and I talked and agreed to say that he was alive and that we had to do something immediately. So, we wiped and washed the little body and wrapped him in a 'cloth diaper.' We delicately placed him on the tray and covered him. I do not know what his gestational age was, but he was a boy and his members were well formed. [...]

"My colleague and I stayed near the fetus who was breathing heavily with increasing spaces between each breathe. It felt like time had stopped. We were there to look at him, this little living being, talking to him and stroking his little body through the drape for 45 minutes at least.  […] He finally stopped breathing and we left him on his tray. It was the end of the first day of the internship. I must say that the 15 days of internship were difficult. The nurses were running around like 'a chicken with its head cut off,' and it was not possible to talk about this event with them."

Another midwife exposes the warped 'logic' of leaving babies to die after surviving an abortion rather than actually helping these babies:

"In my experience, I’ve come to the conclusion that in order to protect the right to abortion, an embryo or fetus is considered to be a person by medical practitioners under two conditions:

"1. The child must be wanted by the parents and 

"2. The child must be “normal” and not “disabled” (with all the risks that such a subjective term permits). As soon as the fetus fails to meet these conditions, it is just considered to be waste... It’s terrible to say, but that is the truth."

Unfortunately, this 'logic' is not foreign to Britain.

It has been reported that one in thirty babies who are aborted for disabilities survive up to several hours. These are usually late-term induced labour abortions. According to a study conducted over ten years from 1995 to 2004 and published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, of the 3189 cases of abortion in cases of ‘foetal abnormality’ in hospitals in Britain, there were 102 live births. The gestation ranged from 17 to 33 weeks. The survival duration for these live-born babies was a median of 80 minutes. 37 of these babies survived for 1 hour or less and 6 babies survived 6 hours or more. These babies were aborted and left to die because they had a disability. - Mike Wyldes and Ann Tonks, ‘Short Communication: Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Anomaly: A Population Based Study 1995 to 2004’ (2007) 114(5) British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 639. 

The European Centre for Law and Justice's petition is a great asset to the pro-life movement in Europe and throughout the world. The disturbing testimonies contained within the petition document debunk the pro-abortion 'feminist's' argument that abortion is 'progressive'and expose the barbarism that it really is.

See the petition and read more of the testimonies here.

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